Want to Read What the Experts Have to Say About Menopause and Hormones?
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Here’s a quick guide to some of our favorite reading material on the topic.
There’s a lot of noise out there about menopause, but that’s not what we’re here for. We’re here to give you the facts, the evidence, and the science. Here are some of our favorite, recent, up to date articles and books on the topic of menopause solutions.
The Menopause Society's New Position Statement
What it is: The Menopause Society has released new guidelines surrounding Menopausal Hormone Treatment.
The bottom line: They said it best: “Hormone therapy remains the most effective treatment for vasomotor symptoms (VMS) and the genitourinary syndrome of menopause and has been shown to prevent bone loss and fracture.” AKA, if you don't want to get osteoporosis, starting MHT as early in the menopausal transition as possible is a smart idea. They also acknowledge that estrogen helps you avoid dramatic skin aging because estrogen encourages collagen production, hydration, and slows down the thinning of skin that produces wrinkles.
The new guidelines also no longer rule out starting MHT after age 60–they leave the decision up to a woman and her doctor. And there’s no set time to stop taking hormones either.
This New Study from the Green Journal on MHT and Breast Cancer
What it is: If you’ve ever been told that MHT increases your breast cancer risk, you would not be the first. But after the publication of this new study, we hope you’re the last.
The bottom line: This is a scientific study, so we understand if you prefer the short summary to reading the whole thing. Here it is: We’ve said it, our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Sharon Malone, has said it, and we’re more than happy to say it again: Taking bioidentical estrogen and progesterone (which is what we offer here at Alloy) causes no increase in risk of breast cancer.
A Piece from the New England Journal of Medicine About the Effects of the Women’s Health Initiative Study on Menopause Treatment
What it is: If you’re familiar with the landmark study from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) that changed the way menopausal hormone treatment is used in the United States, you’ll want to read this.
The bottom line: 20 years ago, the WHI halted research on the effect of hormone therapy on postmenopausal women. Since then, the use of hormone treatment among women in the United States has decreased by as much as 80%, even though we have lots of information that shows that this has done a massive disservice to women globally. Every major medical society, including The Menopause Society, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the Endocrine Society agree that for the vast majority of women, MHT is the safest and most effective treatment for menopause symptoms, and its benefits far outweigh any risk.
Avrum Bluming’s Book, Estrogen Matters
What it is: Looking for a whole book on menopause and MHT? This is your book.
The bottom line: Of course, this book covers the fact that MHT is safe and effective. But, it also covers some of the lesser-known perks of hormones including improved brain health, heart health, a reduced risk of osteoporosis, and more. And, just to hammer it home one more time, it does not increase your risk of breast cancer.
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