Hair Loss
During menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels drop more quickly than testosterone levels. What happens with this unbalanced testosterone? You can start to lose hair where you want it and grow it where you don’t. That can mean thinning hair, pesky chin hairs and mustaches.

Is this normal?
As many as two-thirds of post-menopausal women report hair loss. It’s totally normal, and incredibly stressful for many women.
What can you do?
Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids may help with menopausal hair loss. For chin hairs, it’s time to invest in a great pair of tweezers! Hormones also have a role to play here.
Head over to our product page to see what your options are. A menopause-trained physician will review your choices and let you know your best options. And stay tuned for more solutions coming soon from Alloy.
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What's the connection between menopause and hair loss?
During the transition to menopause, your hormone levels (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone) decrease. But, they don’t all decrease at the same rate. Your estrogen and progesterone levels drop more quickly than your testosterone levels resulting in a hormonal imbalance. When you have unbalanced testosterone, you may start to lose hair where you want it, like on your head, and start to grow hair where you don’t, like on your chin and upper lip.
Ugh. But this is normal, right?
It is. As many as two-thirds of post-menopausal women report thinning hair, bald spots, or pattern hair loss.
Okay. What can I expect with menopausal hair loss?
As with every other menopause symptom, it varies. While your hormone levels are unbalanced, you may experience symptoms of hair loss, thinning, or (unwanted) hair growth.
You may notice more hair than usual on the floor of the shower or on your brush. You may notice while styling your hair (blow drying, braiding, or pulling it into a ponytail) that there’s just less of it. Or, you may notice that your part is wider. You may also notice small hairs pop up on your chin or your upper lip. They’re really annoying, but not usually a sign that there’s anything wrong.
What can I do about it?
It may be time to look into a new hairstyle. Try to have fun with it! Sometimes a shorter cut makes signs of hair loss less obvious - think a one-length bob or classic pixie cut. Adding layers may also help your thinning hair appear thicker. Brushing your hair differently and parting it differently may also help reduce the appearance of hair loss. Experiment to find out what works best for you. And remember, it’s just hair – nothing you do is permanent!
For those pesky hairs you don’t want, invest in a magnifying mirror and some tweezers. For more permanent removal, you can also look into laser hair removal or electrolysis. Since it’s generally only a few hairs, it shouldn’t require extensive treatment and can be really helpful.
To promote healthy hair growth, you can also look at making some dietary changes. Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, like sardines, salmon, and mackerel may help, as may eggs, dark leafy greens, and nuts.
Are there treatments for menopausal hair loss?
Yes. Common hair loss treatments include Minoxidil (aka Rogaine) which is applied topically to the scalp to stimulate healthy hair growth. If Minoxidil isn't effective, a doctor may recommend supplements like Biotin, Collagen, or anti-androgens like Spironolactone to reduce symptoms of menopausal hair loss.
If these aren’t cutting it, you might want to look into hormone therapy. Many perimenopausal and menopausal women utilize hormone therapy to treat multiple symptoms, including hot flashes, female hair loss, vaginal dryness, and more. Because hormones play such a significant role in these menopausal symptoms, hormone therapy is meant to help provide relief during this transition period.